val Context.accessibilityManager: AccessibilityManager? |
val Context.accountManager: AccountManager? |
val Context.activityManager: ActivityManager? |
val Context.alarmManager: AlarmManager? |
val Context.appOpsManager: AppOpsManager? |
val Context.appWidgetManager: AppWidgetManager? |
val Context.audioManager: AudioManager? |
val Context.batteryManager: BatteryManager? |
val Context.bluetoothAdapter: BluetoothManager? |
fun Context.browseUrl(url: String): Boolean
Opens browser from Given URL |
val Context.cameraManager: CameraManager? |
val Context.captioningManager: CaptioningManager? |
val Context.clipboardManager: ClipboardManager? |
val Context.connectivityManager: ConnectivityManager? |
val Context.consumerIrManager: ConsumerIrManager? |
val Context.devicePolicyManager: DevicePolicyManager? |
val Context.displayManager: DisplayManager? |
val Context.displayMetrics: DisplayMetrics
Gets Display Metrics |
val Context.downloadManager: DownloadManager? |
val Context.dropBoxManager: DropBoxManager? |
fun Context.fetchAnimation(animResId: Int): XmlResourceParser
Fetches animation from Given animation resource id. |
fun Context.fetchBoolean(booleanResId: Int): Boolean
Fetches boolean from Given boolean resource id. |
fun Context.fetchColor(colorResId: Int): Int
Fetches Color from Given Color resource id. |
fun Context.fetchColorStateListCompat(stateListResId: Int): ColorStateList
Fetches ColorStateList from Given State List resource id. |
fun Context.fetchDimension(dimenResId: Int): Float
Fetches Dimension from Given Dimension resource id. |
fun Context.fetchDrawable(id: Int): Drawable
Fetches Drawable from Given Drawable resource id. |
fun Context.fetchFont(id: Int): Typeface
Fetches animation from Given animation resource id |
fun Context.fetchIntArray(id: Int): IntArray
Fetches Int Array from Given id. |
fun Context.fetchInteger(id: Int): Int
Fetches Integer Resource from Given Integer resource id. |
fun Context.fetchLayout(id: Int): XmlResourceParser |
fun Context.fetchMovie(id: Int): Movie |
fun Context.fetchQuantityString(id: Int, quantity: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any): String
Fetches Quantity String from Given Quantity String resource id. |
fun Context.fetchQuantityText(id: Int, quantity: Int): CharSequence |
fun Context.fetchStringArray(arrayResId: Int): Array<String> |
fun Context.formatDateAccordingToDevice(date: Date): String
Formats date according to device's default date format |
fun Context.formatTimeAccordingToDevice(date: Date): String
Formats time according to device's default time format |
fun Context.getDataColumn(uri: Uri, selection: String?, selectionArg: Array<String>?): String |
fun Context.getFilePath(uri: Uri): String |
fun <T : Context> Context.getIntent(flags: Int = 0, bundle: Bundle? = null, data: Uri? = null): Intent
Gets intent from Context |
fun Context.inflateLayout(layoutResId: Int, parent: ViewGroup?, attachToRoot: Boolean = false): View |
val Context.inputManager: InputManager? |
val Context.inputMethodManager: InputMethodManager? |
fun Context.isIntentAvailable(intent: Intent, matchConstant: Int = PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY): Boolean
Checks if given intent is available or not |
fun Context.isOnline(): Boolean
checks if device is online or not |
val Context.jobScheduler: JobScheduler? |
val Context.keyguardManager: KeyguardManager? |
val Context.launcherApps: LauncherApps? |
val Context.layoutInflater: LayoutInflater? |
val Context.locationManager: LocationManager? |
fun Context.makeCall(number: String): Boolean
Makes call to given phone number |
val Context.mediaProjectionManager: MediaProjectionManager? |
val Context.mediaRouter: MediaRouter? |
val Context.mediaSessionManager: MediaSessionManager? |
val Context.nfcManager: NfcManager? |
val Context.notificationManager: NotificationManager? |
val Context.nsdManager: NsdManager? |
val Context.powerManager: PowerManager? |
val Context.printManager: PrintManager? |
fun Context.removeNotification(id: Int = 0): Unit
Removes notification |
val Context.restrictionsManager: RestrictionsManager? |
val Context.searchManager: SearchManager? |
fun Context.sendEmail(email: String, subject: String = "", text: String = "", attachment: Uri? = null): Boolean
Sends Email- This app open Email sending Intent |
val Context.sensorManager: SensorManager? |
fun Context.setNotification(id: Int = 0, channelName: String = "Default", builderMethod: Builder.() -> Any): Unit
Sends notifications |
fun Context.share(: String): Boolean
Open Android's Share menu to share any Text |
val Context.sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences |
fun Context.showDialog(themeId: Int = 0, cancelable: Boolean = false, cancelableTouchOutside: Boolean = false, builderFunction: Builder.() -> Any): Unit
Shows AlertDialog |
fun <T : Activity> Context.startActivity(flags: Int = 0, data: Uri? = null, extras: Bundle? = null): Unit
Starts activity from Context. |
fun <T : Service> Context.startService(flags: Int = 0, data: Uri? = null, extras: Bundle? = null): ComponentName
Starts Service |
val Context.storageManager: StorageManager? |
val Context.telecomManager: TelecomManager? |
val Context.telephonyManager: TelephonyManager? |
val Context.textServicesManager: TextServicesManager? |
fun Context.toast(tag: String, message: String, duration: Int = Toast.LENGTH_LONG): Unit
Shows toast |
val Context.tvInputManager: TvInputManager? |
fun Context.typefaceFromAssets(assetPathResId: Int): Typeface fun Context.typefaceFromAssets(assetPath: String): Typeface |
val Context.uiModeManager: UiModeManager? |
val Context.usbManager: UsbManager? |
val Context.userManager: UserManager? |
val Context.versionCode: Int |
val Context.versionName: String? |
val Context.vibrator: Vibrator? |
val Context.wallpaperService: WallpaperService? |
val Context.wifiManager: WifiManager? |
val Context.wifiP2pManager: WifiP2pManager? |
val Context.windowService: WindowManager? |